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Campus Life Innovation Fund

Campus Life Innovation Fund

The HACC Board of Trustees has dedicated $1 million to a new Campus Life Innovation Fund to support initiatives that foster engagement and success for all employees and students. This fund is designed to create opportunities that enhance the student experience and strengthen our campus community.

Additionally, the HACC Foundation created a fund to support innovative initiatives that advance student engagement and institutional excellence. To contribute to the HACC Foundation in support this effort, please visit

Armenta Early Hinton, Ph.D., HACC vice president of student and campus life, said, “As thought leaders, HACC is putting our core values into operation. This is an important moment in our history and higher education.”

Details about the various project initiatives within the Campus Life Innovation Fund can be found below.

  • Center for Male Engagement
    This initiative aims to support the success, retention, and graduation rates of male HACC students.

    HACC will:
    • Create conditions that promote persistence and achievement for male students
    • Enhance foundational studies courses to support students with developmental needs
    • Establish a peer-mentoring experience to foster academic and personal growth
    • Engage and recruit male students from our 11-county region.

This initiative will draw from best practices in student success programs emphasizing mentorship, academic support, and community engagement to help male students excel academically and personally.

Intended Outcome
HACC is committed to creating an environment that supports the retention and success of male students, equipping them with the tools and resources needed to achieve their educational goals.

This initiative will help remove institutional barriers to success through:

  • Faculty training on best practices for teaching and student engagement
  • Academic advising and classroom strategies that promote student success
  • Support groups and mentoring opportunities for male students.
  • Curriculum design enhancements that strengthen student engagement


  • Faculty Fellows for Campus & Academic Partnerships
    This fellowship is designed to support HACC faculty interested in developing new initiatives that enhance student success, retention, persistence, and engagement. The program fosters meaningful connections between faculty, staff, and students while promoting innovative approaches to teaching and learning.

Application Process
Full-time faculty and staff are invited to submit applications for the upcoming academic year during the spring semester.

Annual Cost
There will be two fellows per year, each of whom will receive a $5,000 stipend for project development. Additional funding for other project expenses may be requested on an as-needed basis. Requests will be reviewed for approval based on project needs and available funds.

Intended Outcome
The goals of this fellowship aims to strengthen faculty engagement with students and enhance the learning experience. Faculty Fellows can apply their research and expertise to create dynamic and supportive academic environments.

As initiatives are completed, faculty will be expected to:

  • Summarize their experiences
  • Submit their work to academic publications to highlight best practices in student engagement and success.
  • Present to the College community during collegewide events such as the President’s Symposium


  • Employee Professional Development Opportunities
    HACC is committed to providing professional development opportunities that enhance faculty and staff knowledge of student success, engagement, and best practices in teaching and learning.

Examples include:

  • Effective and Inclusive Search Committees – Training for employees on best practices in hiring and recruitment.
  • Student Success and Engagement Workshops – Programs designed to support student retention, persistence, and academic achievement.

This fund will also allow the College to develop additional training programs based on employee feedback and bring in external trainers as needed.

Intended Outcome
The goal is to create a professional development culture that enhances faculty and staff effectiveness in supporting student success. Training opportunities will be offered both online and in person.

  • Campus Life Innovation Grants
    These grants will encourage students and employees to:
    • Enhance experiences in and out of the classrooms for students
    • Strengthen student engagement and retention through innovative programming.
    • Develop projects that foster meaningful connections between students, faculty, staff, and community partners

We will seek proposals for projects and activities that support student success and engagement. Possible examples are:

  • Development of a faculty-student engagement toolkit
  • Collaboration with students to host a community workshop on topics related to academic and personal success

Awarding of Funds
Grant amounts are expected to average between $2,000 and $5,000. Students and employees are eligible to apply.

Awards will provide seed funding for ideas that have the potential to create lasting and impactful programs at HACC. Priority will be given to ongoing efforts rather than one-time events.

Intended Outcome
The College aims to fund 10 to 15 projects introducing innovative student engagement and success approaches. These initiatives will help strengthen connections between students and the institution, fostering a supportive academic environment.


  • You must be a current HACC student or employee.
  • Funds must be used to cover expenses related to purchasing materials, equipment, supplies, paying vendors, printing or downloading paywall content, etc.
  • Completed applications and any supporting materials must be submitted according to directions.
  • Projects should be designed to catalyze long-term and sustainable culture change at HACC.
  • Priority will be given to ongoing efforts, as opposed to one-time events.


  • HACC students or employees complete the Campus Life Innovation Grant funding application form. Please request the form from Briana Legerlotz, coordinator of student and campus life, Office of Campus Life, Engagement and Retention, at
  • Taskforce reviews applications.
  • Applicants receive notice of approval or denial.
  • Recipients are responsible for submitting required paperwork and an overview of outcomes upon completion or at the end of the academic year.

  • Speaker Series
    In collaboration with the Student Engagement Department, HACC will host speakers and discussions on student success, leadership, and academic excellence.

Events may include:

  • Presentations
  • Panel discussions
  • Performances
  • Trainings

Intended Outcome
HACC will establish a strong regional reputation as a leader in student engagement by providing impactful programming that supports academic and personal growth.

Leadership in Advancing Student Success and Engagement at HACC

Under the leadership of John J. “Ski” Sygielski, who became HACC’s seventh president in July 2011, the College has made great strides in promoting student success, retention, and engagement. Some of his accomplishments include:

  • Established the Office of Campus Life, Engagement, and Retention in 2016 to support student success initiatives and create meaningful faculty, staff, and student engagement opportunities.
  • Strengthened leadership representation by ensuring that HACC’s leadership reflects various perspectives. 
  • Led developing and implementing two collegewide strategic plans focused on recruitment, retention, and student achievement.
  • Oversaw access and completion initiatives that support students who face barriers to higher education, including:
    • Harrisburg Promise, a partnership with the City of Harrisburg and the Harrisburg Housing Authority that creates a pathway to postsecondary education for at-risk youth in the Harrisburg and Steelton-Highspire school districts
    • S.T.E.P. Academy program that has helped both underemployed and unemployed adults and high school students learn the soft skills needed to be successful in today’s job market
    • In partnership with the Office of Vocational Rehabilitation and the School District of Lancaster, McCaskey Path Bridge Program provides students with disabilities the opportunity to take college-level courses at HACC with free tuition and books while receiving additional support from HACC faculty and staff. In 2019, the program achieved a 100% college acceptance rate.
  • Demonstrated commitment to ethical leadership and student advocacy by participating in initiatives that align with HACC’s mission, such as the #StopHateForProfit campaign, which paused all Facebook and Instagram advertising for July 2020.