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Education Assistance Program for National Guard

Education Assistance Program for National Guard (EAP)

Together with the Pennsylvania Department of Military and Veterans Affairs, PHEAA administers this tuition assistance program for students who enter into a service commitment with the Pennsylvania National Guard for a period of 6 years. The program pays up to 100% of the tuition for those in an undergraduate program. To apply for this program, speak to your unit education office.


Am I Eligible?
To be considered for the Pennsylvania National Guard Education Assistance Program (EAP), you must:
  • Be a resident (bona fide domiciliary) of Pennsylvania
  • Be enrolled in a degree- or certificate-granting program of study at an approved Pennsylvania institution

How Much Can I Expect to Receive?


Full-Time Attendance

Part-Time Attendance


The lesser of:

  • 100% of the tuition at the institution where you are enrolled
  • The flat full-time tuition rate charged to a Pennsylvania resident at a state-owned university

The lesser of:

  • 100% of the tuition for a part-time course of study
  • Two-thirds of the flat full-time tuition rate charged to a Pennsylvania resident at a state-owned university

Graduate degree candidates or those who already hold a bachelor's degree

Eligible for only part-time funding

The lesser of:

  • 50% of the tuition charged for a part-time course of study
  • One-third of the flat full-time tuition rate charged to a Pennsylvania resident at a state-owned university

If you fail to honor the service commitment with the Pennsylvania National Guard, you must repay your total EAP award amount, plus interest.