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Gettysburg-Campus HACC Students Get A Voice On Campus

April 2, 2002
The 2001-2002 academic year marked the beginning of the Student Advisory Council (SAC) at the Gettysburg Campus of Harrisburg Area Community College. The council, with four student officers and fifteen student senators, gives the student body a governance voice for the first time at HACC's Gettysburg Campus. The Council also serves to provide students with community service and leadership opportunities, charter student organizations and clubs, and promote social opportunities and a sense of community among students.

SAC activities thus far include the sponsorship of the "Writebreaks" Writers Club, a philosophy club, and a Bible club. SAC has implemented a peer-mentoring program to pair new students with returning students who can offer guidance and encouragement in acclimating to college. SAC has also provided a number of social events for the Gettysburg Campus student body, including a pizza party, morning socials with coffee and donuts, and a fall formal dance held in conjunction with other HACC campuses. A spring dance and picnic at the Gettysburg Recreation Park are planned for April.

Community service projects initiated by SAC include Christmas gifts and food donated to a needy Adams County family, a food drive for the South Central Community Action Program and God's Pantry, and involvement with recycling and Earth Day activities on campus. In addition, SAC is now putting together a team to attend the upcoming Multiple Sclerosis Walk-A-Thon in Washington, D.C.

SAC Senators and Officers are elected in the spring semester by the student body. All students who are currently enrolled and maintain at least a 2.0 grade point average are eligible for election.

The Gettysburg Campus of HACC, located at 705 Old Harrisburg Road, currently enrolls 852 students.

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