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Gettysburg Campus offers class on Civil War research

June 22, 2004
The Gettysburg Campus of HACC, central Pennsylvania's community college, will offer a class on how to do Civil War research.

An Introduction to Civil War Research will be offered on three Mondays, July 12 - 26, from 7 to 9 p.m., at the HACC campus at 731 Old Harrisburg Road, Gettysburg.

This is the ideal course for anyone interested in learning more about the American Civil War, those wanting to learn about an ancestor who fought in the war, and those interested in learning more about a particular battle or other aspect of the war.

This course will introduce participants to some of the key institutions to find original records, as well as introduce them to other primary sources, such as the Official Records (ORs).

For the computer aficionados, some of the top and most informative websites and databases in the field will be introduced.

Those looking to be published will learn how to begin their project, how to footnote, and where to submit their work.

Registration for this class and information on many other community education, professional development, and workforce training classes is available in HACC's Summer 2004 Noncredit Course Schedule available by clicking the Website below by calling (717) 338-1010.

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