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HACC Nursing Students Make Connections Over Ice Cream

May 7, 2004
Nursing students at Gettysburg HACC made a connection with community professionals at an ice cream social. Marilyn Teeter, Coordinator of the HACC Nursing Program at the Gettysburg Campus, explained that "student nurses can sometimes become discouraged with the day-to-day stresses of being a nursing student. At those times, they could use the help of a professional nurse who has gone through a similar experience. That was the reason for the event."

Brenda Slaybaugh RN, Joanne Smith RN, and Lisa Tomko RN each addressed the students about the challenges they experienced during their education and the benefits of becoming a nurse. Brenda stressed that the students should "cultivate a good sense of humor", Joanne advised that they keep their "eyes on the goal" and Lisa encouraged them to connect with one of the nurses in the room for support as they move through their education.

After the program, students and area nurses enjoyed a variety of ice cream sundaes and talked about experiences in nursing school, nursing practice, and the roles of nurses in today's world.

"We hope that the connections made were the beginning of many supportive relationships for our students," said Teeter.

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