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HACC Coordinates Hurricane Katrina Relief Effort

Sept. 7, 2005
Local residents can contribute toward the Hurricane Katrina relief effort through a collection campaign at the Gettysburg Campus of HACC, Central Pennsylvania's Community College. The college will be collecting specific items including canned foods, hand-operated can openers, bottled water, disposable diapers, canned baby formula, and baby/toddler foods in plastic containers. Also needed are toilet paper, tampons, and sanitary pads.

All contributions must be new and unopened, and HACC is not prepared to accept any items not listed. HACC will be coordinating with humanitarian organizations to assure that donated items are delivered to hurricane victims.

Hurricane relief contributions can be taken to designated collection areas at HACC until Monday, September 19. HACC is located in the North Gettysburg Center at 731 Old Harrisburg Road, near Weis Markets and Adams County National Bank. For more information, call HACC at 337-3855.

"The hurricane relief project has come together in response to concerns from HACC students, staff and faculty members, all looking for ways to help," said Gettysburg Campus dean Jennifer Weaver. "Student government representatives, facilities and student services staff, and classroom instructors have all pulled together to plan the collection drive and discuss additional projects to aid hurricane victims."

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