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HACC offers business continuity classes for protection and disaster planning

May 12, 2005
Planning for disaster can mean the difference between a minor annoyance and complete collapse of business. A new seminar series at HACC has been designed to help businesses handle everything from insurance and succession plans to supply chain issues and cash flow problems. Seminars will be offered at the Harrisburg and Lancaster campuses of HACC, Central Pennsylvania's Community College.

More than 75 percent of the companies that experience a major disruption never recover. One study concluded that of five businesses that experience a disaster, two never reopen. One of the remaining three will close within two years of the disaster. While the large and spectacular failures are publicized, hundreds of small businesses every day simply disappear.

"It is startling to hear that the majority of businesses that experience a serious disruption never recover. There are so many things that can go wrong, from major cash flow problems to the loss of key personnel," said Jim Fox, HACC dean of workforce development, public safety and community education.

"These seminars prepare businesses to plan for these events and have a continuity plan in place. HACC has been working closely with Bob Garraty, the executive director of our local Workforce Investment Board, to find ways to help our local businesses remain productive."

"HACC provides job-related noncredit training to over 35,000 students a year, yet too many area businesses do not use us as a resource," said Fox. "We can usually provide quality training at a low cost or no cost. Businesses just don't think of their local community college as a resource."

Four business continuity seminars will help identify the key business processes necessary for the protection of businesses when disaster strikes. The series is full of practical steps that can be put into action immediately.

The seminars are designed for business owners, company presidents and vice presidents, human resource managers, operations managers, and anyone interested in business succession.

An Introduction to Business Continuity will be offered at the Lancaster Campus of HACC May 18.

Both seminars will be held from 9 a.m. to noon. Cost is $155.

In this business continuity planning session, participants will analyze their business functions and processes and determine which are most critical to their business. They will then develop a Business Assessment that will help them discover the areas on which they need to focus.

They'll look at the resources they need to recover those functions and get started on dealing with potential threats to their business.

A Disaster Planning Workshop will be offered at the Lancaster Campus of HACC May 18. Both workshops held from 1-3 p.m. Cost is $80.

Participants will leave this workshop with a Disaster Recovery Plan for their business. Experience professionals will assist them in identifying key areas for focus and provide them with the necessary forms and information to get them started.

Both the Introduction to Business Continuity and Disaster Planning Workshops can be taken together for $225, and lunch will be provided.

A Workforce Planning seminar will be offered at the Harrisburg Campus of HACC on May 25 and at the Lancaster Campus of HACC June 2. Both workshops held from 9 a.m.-noon. Cost is $155.

This seminar is designed to help participants analyze their company's mission, goals and initiatives. They will identify the critical drivers in their company that initiate workforce planning cycles, i.e., reitrement trends and other turnover projections, and determine future requirements.

Participants will learn how to analyze their current resources and make projections. They will produce a high-level Workforce Gap Analysis and develop a proposed organizational plan.

A Succession Planning seminar will be offered at the Harrisburg Campus of HACC on June 24 and at the Lancaster Campus of HACC June 28. Both workshops will held from 9 a.m.-noon. Cost is $155.

Succession planning ensures that businesses have the right people with the right job knowledge, diversity and skills in the right jobs at the right time. Succession planning is pro-active and future-focused. It enables managers and supervisors to assess, evaluate and develop a talent pool of individuals to fill positions when needed.

This seminar will help participants focus on their own succession and exit strategy for reitrement, transition or sale of their business.

All four business continuity classes can be taken for $500.

Registration may be completed by phone with a MasterCard or VISA by calling (717) 780-2616 between the hours of 8 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. Other payment options also are available including a request to bill participants' employers.

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