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HACC budget approved by local school boards

April 22, 2009
Harrisburg, PA – HACC’s Harrisburg Campus credit operating budget for the coming year was approved tonight by a vote of 18 to 2 with two of the sponsoring school districts absent. The new budget is for the fiscal year which begins July 1.
The budget includes a $6.00 increase in tuition for students but continues to hold the line on the cost for sponsoring school districts under a special five-year addendum to the sponsorship agreement. Under the arrangement, contributions from the school districts are frozen at last year’s level for five years. The rate will be re-negotiated at the end of that five year period. This budget represents the second year of that arrangement.
In return, students from those districts continue to receive a substantial discount from HACC’s regular tuition.
            “Students from the participating districts are bearing more of the cost of their own education – but still receive a discount of 80 percent from the rate paid by non-sponsored residents,” Baehre said.
            Tuition rates for students from sponsoring districts – starting with the second summer session (Summer II) in July – will be $98.50 per credit hour, up from $92.50 per credit hour. Pennsylvania residents who are not from a participating school district will pay $177 per credit hour, up from $171 per credit hour.
            “HACC is still one of the best bargains in education,” Baehre said. “On average, a student receiving an associate’s degree can expect to earn 40 percent more than a high school graduate. That amounts to more than $141 in additional annual earnings for every credit hour completed. The investment pays for itself very quickly.”
            Baehre noted that --- as always – the college offers a wide range of financial aid options to help make a HACC education more accessible.
            “Our financial aid professionals can help students tap into a variety of state and federal grant and loan programs as well as a wide range of scholarships,” she said.
            HACC, Central Pennsylvania’s Community College, has more than 21 thousand students at its five campuses in Central Pennsylvania. In addition, the college offers a wide variety – including complete degree programs – online through its virtual campus.
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