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ADVISORY: HACC to Hold Fall Commencement Ceremony on Dec. 13 at Giant Center

Dec. 9, 2016
WHO: More than 320 students from HACC, Central Pennsylvania’s Community College, will walk across the stage to receive associate degrees, diplomas or certificates.
WHAT: HACC’s fall 2016 Commencement ceremony
WHEN: Dec. 13, 2016, at 6 p.m.
WHERE: Giant Center
550 W. Hersheypark Drive
Hershey, PA 17033
COVERAGE: HACC President John J. “Ski” Sygielski, Ed.D., will confer degrees, diplomas and certificates to HACC students.

Among the graduates are:

Jean Elie, who came to the United States from Haiti. He enrolled in HACC’s Lancaster Campus through a church-sponsored program in which the students live with a host family while attending HACC. The church pays the students’ tuition in full.
Describing himself as shy before coming to HACC, Elie overcame his shyness by participating in the campus’s Student Ambassador Program, working as a tutor and being involved in the international club.
“Throughout my education at HACC, I received multiple awards, including the Tutoring Award for providing excellent tutoring sessions to students. However, I think my proudest moment at HACC was when I received my first award, the Rising Star Award,” said Elie.
The Rising Star is awarded to students who complete developmental English courses with at least a 3.0 GPA in a term.
“I have learned how to be a leader, a coworker, a better friend, brother, and overall, a better person than I used to be,” said Elie.
He is graduating with honors with an associate degree in business administration and plans to transfer to Millersville University to further his education.

Laquietta D. Braswell, a non-traditional student at HACC’s Harrisburg Campus. When she enrolled in 2004, she was “nervous that I would not do well. Scared that I may not be smart enough to succeed. However, I ended that first semester with a 4.0! At that moment, I knew this was my path.”

“Life throws you through a loop sometimes…. But, what is most important is that you never give up. I had to continue to tell myself that, for the sake of my daughter. I really just want her to be proud of me. Without the care and time of the employees, classmates here at HACC, along with family and friends, I would not be this far. I am ever so grateful,” said Braswell, who is graduating with an associate degree in paralegal studies.
Following graduation, she plans to take more general education courses at HACC then transfer to a four-year institution to earn a bachelor’s degree in legal studies.
Media representatives should park in the designated press parking area at the Giant Center, display the parking pass and wear their press credentials.
About HACC
HACC, Central Pennsylvania’s Community College, offers more than 120 career and transfer associate degree, certificate and diploma programs to approximately 19,000 students. Also, the College serves students at its Gettysburg, Harrisburg, Lancaster, Lebanon and York campuses; through virtual learning; and via workforce development and continuing education training. For more information on how HACC is uniquely YOURS, visit Also, follow us on Twitter (@HACC_info), like us on Facebook ( and use #HACCNews.
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