HACC's Internship Process & How to Create an Internship Search Action Plan! Workshop

Date: Wednesday July 10, 2024 (This event occurred in the past.)
Time: 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
  • Description:

    HACC's Internship Process & How to Create an Internship Search Actions Plan! Workshop

    Want to discover valuable information about internships?  Learn about HACC's Student Guide to Internship Planning and how to create an internship search plan so that you can successfully search for internship opportunities.  Sutdents should already have their College Central Network account activated (if you haven't done that yet contact Career Services).  All students considering doing an internship are welcom to attend!

    Choose a date that works for you:

    • Monday, June 10, from Noon - 1 p.m. OR
    • Monday, June 17, from 5 p.m. - 6 p.m. OR
    • Wendesday, July 10, from Noon - 1 p.m.

    ZOOM Link:  https://hacc.zoom.us/j/92995252411

    All HACC students considering an internship are welcome to attend!

  • Location: Remote via Zoom
  • Contact Information:
    Name: Career Services
    Phone: 717-780-2433
  • Categories:
    - All are welcome
    - Student Life
    - Career Development