Lancaster Campus, Seventh Annual Lancaster Campus Humanities Symposium - Title: The American Dream CANCELED

Date: Wednesday April 8, 2020 (This event occurred in the past.)
Time: 9:00 AM - 8:00 PM
  • Description:

    The Seventh Annual Lancaster Campus Humanities Symposium

    Please explore the various activities in East 203 sometime during the symposium and share your own American Dream! Contribute to our paper "My American Dream" quilt, view documentary shorts, and enjoy music featuring the theme of the dream in America. Enjoy refreshments, experience presentations, and explore the Humanities!

    Schedule of Events - Wednesday, April 8th

    9:30-10:45     The American Dream: Jewish Immigrants and their Families

    • Hopes, dreams, and aspirations of Jewish families as they travel to American in the early 20th Century, will be investigated. I will trace and follow five generations to see how the dreams change over the course of time through the lens of my family heritage.  Presented by: Ilene Rosenberg, Adjunct Professor of Art History and Humanities

    11:00-12:15     Baseball: mirror or motivator of American society

    • This presentation will examine what baseball means to America and to Americans AND if the sport enforces the notion of an "American Dream" or dispels it.  Presented by: Stephan Williams, Professor, retired

    12:30-1:45     "March of the Women": How Music Advanced the Women's Suffrage Movement

    • 2020 celebrates the 100th anniversary of the ratification of the 19th amendment, allowing women the right to vote.  Learn how the suffrage movement utilized music to further the cause and promote solidarity with activists. Suffragists formed bands, wrote and published songs. Presented by: Jill Graybill, Adjunct Music and Foundational Studies Faculty

    2:00-3:15     Neoclassical Architecture and the American Dream

    • Through using numerous examples of neoclassical architecture of the late 18th and early 19th centuries in America, this session will show how they are visual metaphors of the American Dream. Some examples that will be used are the Pennsylvania State Capitol, the Virgina State Capitol, and the United States Capitol. Presented by: Dennis B. Wimer, Adjunct Professor of Humanities

    3:15-4:30     The Time Machine (Radio Play)

    • HACC Theatre's "A Season of Destiny" presents THE TIME MACHINE, a radio play adapted from the story by H.G. Wells from April 23-26, 2020 at the Rose Lehrman Arts Center.  The cast and director Dave Olmsted will be presenting a portion of the play as a special rehearsal at our Symposium. Come enjoy this special presentation by HACC students!

    4:30-6:00     Barnaby Holmes, Puppeteer: "Dreams Lost and Found"

    • Art Reception: Informal Talk and Performance at the Reception will be held in the Art Space, East Building Lobby and in East 203.
    • Lititz-based puppeteer Barnaby Holmes of The Motion Picture will present 'Good Ideas', a piece based on his HACC Art Space exhibit 'Dreams Lost and Found'. Do the carefully crafted characters on exhibit reflect the dimensionality and dreams, of their creators, or those of the viewers...or do they possibly have dreams of their own?


  • Location: Lancaster Campus, East Building, Room 203
  • Contact Information:
    Name: Cindy Rose
  • Categories:
    - Lancaster Campus