Are you a registered nurse looking to advance in your career? We can help you through our 300-hour course that prepares you to become an advanced level Emergency Medical Services (EMS) provider.
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PHRNs find jobs within public and private organizations
PHRNs function in a similar capacity as paramedics and their type of patient care experience can provide valuable insight in both academic and clinical components of other specialty areas of nursing.
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Our course is an introduction to EMS, while teaching you the overall roles and responsibilities of the PHRN. Your nursing education and clinical experiences are very helpful as you learn how to assess injuries and illnesses and handle different situations. You will learn through class discussion, lectures, practical application in lab sessions, clinical experience with EMS services and competency testing.
Our course is designed to prepare you to:
Once you complete the course, you are eligible to attend a Pennsylvania Department of Health/National Registry of EMT’s psychomotor exam and complete the National Registry of EMT’s Paramedic Assessment exam.
Upon completing your certificate, you can continue your education at HACC if you wish! We have a variety of healthcare programs, among others, that may be of interest.
When you complete an associate degree, you can continue and transfer credits to a four-year school.
For your convenience, you can complete your classes at our Harrisburg Campus through on-campus/in-person instruction. You will be taking 166 hours in clinical experience in addition to the classroom instruction.
Yes! Through the HACC Foundation, scholarships are available. Please visit for details and deadlines
You can complete spring, summer and fall classes at HACC. Please use the information listed in the "How Can I Learn More" section to find out about start dates and enrollment deadlines.
Future students, we are excited to connect with you and answer your questions. Please choose the option that works best for you to meet with us.
Current HACC students, please contact our Advising Department with any questions.