View our 2025 Law Enforcement Training Calendar here! (pdf)
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Self-pay students, complete our official enrollment form. (pdf)
For additional information regarding our ALERRT offerings, please contact Kevin Dalpiaz at
The courses below are offered at the Senator Jeffrey E. Piccola Law Enforcement Complex, located at the Harrisburg Campus, or other contracted locations.
When viewing the course, please pay special attention to the suffixes after the course titles as they will indicate who the course was designed for.
The suffixes legend is as follows:
LE-Law Enforcement, ST-Security Officer Training, CF-Civilian Firearm Training, FRI-Facility Rental Information
What programs does the Law Enforcement Training Unit offer?
How can I receive more information on Law Enforcement training programs at HACC?
Campus Key (Cmp): C=Lancaster, D=Lebanon, G=Gettysburg, V=Virtual, W=Harrisburg, Y=York
Days Key: M=Monday, T=Tuesday, W=Wednesday, R=Thursday, F=Friday, S=Saturday, U=Sunday