On Aug. 6, 2024, John J. "Ski" Sygielski (Dr. Ski), MBA, Ed.D., president and CEO of HACC, Central Pennsylvania’s Community College, announced his plans to retire from the College on July 18, 2025.

Dr. Ski, the longest-serving president in HACC’s history, became the College’s seventh president in July 2011. To learn more about Dr. Ski’s retirement announcement, please view the College’s news release.

Under Dr. Ski’s transformational leadership, the College:

Remained Student Focused:

  1. Created 75 new academic programs to remain current with the College’s service region
  2. Infused technology throughout the College’s online and on-campus classrooms
  3. Offered student support services online and on campus
  4. Expanded dual enrollment and other pre-college programs to create early connections with high school students
  5. Increased student retention rates by 6%
  6. Increased student graduation rates by 11%
  7. Developed more than 200 non-credit programs to address workforce needs within our service region
  8. Began an eSports program
  9. Renovated the Bruce E. Cooper Student Center
  10. Renovated tennis courts to pickleball courts

And so much more…

Enhanced the Employee Experience:

  1. Hired its first vice president of student and campus life and Title IX coordinator
  2. Enhanced professional development opportunities for employees
  3. Renovated the Ted Lick Administration Building

And so much more…

Earned Numerous Awards:

  1. Recognized by Diverse Issues and the National Institute for Staff and Organizational Development (NISOD) as a Most Promising Place to Work for six years
  2. Received the Innovation of the Year Award by the League for Innovation in the Community Colleges
  3. Recognized by Association of Community College Trustees (ACCT) with the Northeast Regional Award and the national Charles Kennedy Equity Award

And so much more…

Worked to Ensure Institutional Sustainability:

  1. Completed:
    a. Two successful Middle States re-affirmations
    b. Several strategic plans
    c. Two reorganizations to a One-College model and five schools
  2. Cultivated numerous educational, corporate and nonprofit partners
  3. Oversaw $100 million of capital projects
  4. Decreased College long-term debt by $55 million or 39%
  5. Assembled a formidable Cabinet
  6. Navigated a pandemic
  7. Sold campus facilities
  8. Raised $28,803,885.59 for the HACC Foundation from July 1, 2011-June 30, 2024
  9. Increased the assets of the HACC Foundation from $25,919,871 on June 30, 2011, to $43,576,172 on June 30, 2023
  10. Began a prison education program

And so much more…

In addition to these HACC successes, Dr. Ski:

  1. Was named an Institute for Citizens and Scholars Fellow (formerly the Woodrow Wilson Foundation)
  2. Served as co-chair of Governor Wolf’s transition committee for education
  3. Presented several dozens of presentations at national, regional and local gatherings
  4. Authored several articles and chapters for higher education publications
  5. Served on the Phi Theta Kappa Presidential Advisory Committee
  6. Served on numerous national, state, regional and local boards, including:
    a. Chairman of the American Association of Community Colleges board
    b. Co-chair of the Higher Education Research and Development Institute board
    c. Chair of the PA Commission of Community Colleges
    d. The 21st Century Commission on the Community Colleges
    e. Commonwealth of Pennsylvania’s Workforce investment Board
    f. WITF
    g. Tec Centro - Capital Region
    h. The Boys and Girls Club of Harrisburg
    i. Harrisburg Regional Chamber and CREDC
    j. Recycle Bicycle of Harrisburg
    k. Central Strategic Early Warning Network
    l. Chair of the Broad Street Market
    m. Three-time Paul Harris fellow of Rotary
  7. Received numerous awards, including the:
    a. F.R. Geigle Service Award for outstanding service by Northern Illinois University
    b. 2021 Icon Honors recipient by the Central Penn Business Journal
    c. Phi Theta Kappa’s (PTK) Shirley B. Gordon Award
    d. The World Affairs Council of Harrisburg’s Torch of Global Enlightenment Award
    e. The international Ministers Conference of Greater Harrisburg MLK Drum Major Award
    f. Harrisburg Regional Chamber and Capital Region Economic Development Corporation (CREDC)’s Influencer of the Year
    g. 2013 Asian Indian Americans of Central Pennsylvania Outstanding Community Service Award
    h. Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. Community Service Award in Education
    i. Higher Education Power 100 by City and State Pennsylvania

And so much more…

Donate to the HACC Foundation in Dr. Ski's Honor.
Are you interested in contributing to the HACC Foundation in Dr. Ski’s honor? HACC yeah! To learn more, please visit this webpage to learn about the John J. "SKI" Sygielski and Steve Perrault Scholarship Endowment and contribute at hacc.edu/givenow.

Attend a Celebratory Event to Honor Dr. Ski.
In 2025, the College will host celebratory events to honor Dr. Ski and his successes. The event dates, times and locations will be announced in spring 2025. Please continue to check this webpage for updated information. Thank you!