Nov. 20, 2003
Holiday shoppers looking for uncommon and handcrafted gifts this season will find such gifts at a crafts show at the Wildwood Campus of Harrisburg Area Community College. HACC crafts marketing students and staff showcase their own distinctive styles of jewelry, pottery and glass at a holiday crafts show 11am to 7pm on Tuesday and Wednesday, December 9 and 10 in the Cooper Student Center on HACC's Wildwood Campus in Harrisburg.

"This is a great opportunity to pick up some one-of-a-kind gifts for friends and families," said crafts marketing student Megan Slantis, of Mechanicsburg. "As a student the crafts show is a valuable way to learn all the facets of being a successful artisan."

For further information about the holiday crafts show or about HACC's contemporary crafts marketing program, readers may contact assistant professor of art, Jim Lard, at (717) 780-2432 or send an email by clicking on the address below.

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