Sept. 22, 2004
Six local state representatives will give their views of "Politics, Elections and the Media" in a pre-election panel discussion on the Harrisburg Campus of HACC - central Pennsylvania's community college. Moderators Alyssha Jordan, a HACC honors student, and Trumbull Simmons, senior professor of English and member of HACC's honors faculty, begin the discussion at noon Wednesday, September 29 in the Cooper Student Center.

State Representatives serving as panelists are Ronald Buxton (D-Dauphin), Mauree Gingrich (R-Lebanon), Mark McNaughton (R-Dauphin), Jerry Nailor (R-Cumberland), Patricia Vance (R-Cumberland) and Peter Zug (R-Lebanon). Each of the representatives will have the opportunity to voice his or her opinion on the topic before opening the floor to questions and discussion.

"We decided to host this forum on the premise that most college students are not involved in the political process and simply don't vote," said Yvonne J. Milspaw, Ph.D, professor of English and humanities and director of the Honors Program. "Students have indicated that they get much of their political information from humorists, particularly sources like 'The Daily Show.' We believe that students will involve themselves in the political process, if they feel that their concerns are being taken seriously and they feel invited to participate."

The event is presented by HACC's Honors Program, Student Government Association (SGA) and the Office of Student Life. SGA will offer students the opportunity to register to vote throughout the day as well.

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