July 18, 2005
Hanover residents planning to further their education at HACC, Central Pennsylvania's Community College, are invited to an admissions information session. There are two offered: one at the Hanover Hospital Community Health and Education Center on Wednesday, July 27 from 6:30 to 8 p.m. The second session is at South Western High School, on Thursday, August 11, from 6:30 to 8 p.m.

The sessions provide an overview of HACC, what is involved in the admissions process and how to approach financial aid options. Those attending can meet with a HACC advisor and review academic programs, courses and class schedules. Staff members at the information sessions can accept application forms to the college as well as application fees.

Both locations will offer general education courses which can be applied to HACC's associate degree programs in business administration, business management or education, and to the pre-allied health/nursing program and phlebotomy diploma. For students who plan to continue their education at a four-year institution, the course credits will also count toward HACC's transfer associate degrees in general studies or liberal arts.

Click on the Web site below for a complete list of fall classes in Hanover, or call HACC's Gettysburg Campus at (717)337-3855 for more information.

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