Enrollment college wide more than 21,800 students
Aug. 18, 2010
York, PA – The York Campus of HACC, Central Pennsylvania’s Community College, continues its rapid growth with the start of the fall semester on Monday, Aug. 23. In fact, the York Campus may hit a record 3,000 students this year.
Enrollment across HACC’s five campuses and the online Virtual Campus increased 5.7 percent with more than 21,800 students.
 “The enrollment growth at the York Campus continues to astound us,” said Jean Treuthart, campus vice president. “It’s been five years since we opened our doors and it’s really clear that a community college in York was needed. We have the qualified faculty who are dedicated to their discipline and convenient classes that fit into students’ work schedules right here in York. It helps too that classes can work for the family budget. Even students accepted into four-year colleges are opting to start at a community college.”
More students are looking at the York Campus as their first choice for college.
“We’re seeing more students, and their parents, earlier in the college search process,” said Michele Wherley, coordinator of recruitment. “HACC is in the mix when they are comparing and reviewing their options, looking for a high quality educational experience without incurring a large debt. What students are finding is HACC can provide what they are seeking.”
Adult students already in the work force looking for job training, or those seeking a career change because of layoffs or unemployment, can improve their skills at HACC.
“Many of these adult students coming to the York Campus have the basic job skills but need to expand them and develop a greater understanding of technology,” said Wherley. “They may or may not be here to complete a degree.”
Some students not in degree programs are enrolled in targeted programs, like the accelerated heating, ventilation and air conditioning diploma program, which are condensed so they can be completed in less time than a degree program.
This fall there are 22 more HACC programs that can be completed at the York Campus, several geared toward careers in education. Other added programs include physical science, music marketing and health care options like dietetics and pre-chiropractic. HACC has more than 200 programs and plans are in place to bring more to the York Campus.
For more information about classes throughout the first week of the semester, go to www.hacc.edu or call HACC’s admissions office at the York Campus, 718-0328 ext. 3518.               
HACC also has more students attending its other regional campuses.
More students are taking online classes in HACC’s Virtual Campus, 7.6 percent more than last year. New for fall are online courses in enology, the science of making wine. Also new is HACC’s partnership with the Pennsylvania Rural Electric Association where journeyman linesmen can enroll in the technology studies program with 30 credits already applied toward an associate degree. Most of the remaining requirements can be completed online.
At HACC’s Gettysburg Campus, where classes start Aug. 30, enrollment is up  15.2 percent. The Harrisburg Campus has a 4 percent increase. The Lancaster Campus is holding steady and the Lebanon Campus enrollment jumped 10.4 percent.  
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