College representatives available from 6-7 p.m. March 13
Feb. 13, 2012
LEBANON – High school students and others who are thinking about college but unsure about that first step can find answers at HACC-Lebanon Campus.
College representatives will be on hand from 6-7 p.m. Tuesday, March 13, to meet with potential students and parents during “Undecided? Let us help,” a free information session at the campus, 735 Cumberland St.
HACC offers many options leading to career pathways, with 35 programs in which the majority of coursework or the entire program can be completed at HACC-Lebanon Campus. In addition, general education required courses are offered at the campus for the majority of the college’s nearly 200 credit two-year associate and transfer degrees, certificates and diplomas to prepare graduates with the education and skills needed to compete in today’s workforce.
Those who attend the information session will:
  • Find out how to get started on a college degree even if undecided about what to study
  • Learn about career counseling opportunities designed to help make this important decision
  • Find out about the many options available to finance education
To register, go to and click on Events.
For more information, call 270-4222.
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