Linda Muñoz named Division Workplace Champion
Aug. 8, 2013
HARRISBURG, Pa. – HACC, Central Pennsylvania’s Community College, was awarded the American Cancer Society’s Division Citiation Award, which recognizes the efforts of organizations providing outstanding cooperation in carrying out cancer control activities and the overall mission of the American Cancer Society.

HACC participated in the Cancer Prevention Study-3 (CPS-3) by having each of the College’s five campuses available as a participant enrollment site. The American Cancer Society’s CPS-3is a 20-year research study with the goal to better understand the factors such as lifestyle, environment and genetic, that can cause or prevent cancer and, ultimately, to help eliminate cancer as a major health concern for future generations. Study participants are asked to read and sign a consent form, complete a survey, provide some physical measurements (such as waist size, weight, height, blood pressure and heart rate) and give a small blood sample. At home, participants receive periodic follow-up surveys and research updates through annual newsletters. The information will be monitored for the duration of the study.

“I was very excited when the college-wide strategic wellness committee voted to make CPS-3 one of health and wellness efforts they wanted to sponsor in 2013,” said Linda Muñoz, director of benefits and wellness at HACC. “The mission of the American Cancer Society and the goal of the CPS-3 study  are incredibly important. Sponsoring this event was a small way in which the college-wide strategic wellness committee could promote wellness among the staff, students and communities who support HACC. Eliminating cancer is a big part of that effort.”
Muñoz received this year’s Division Workplace Champion Award for the significant impact she personally made in regard to the American Cancer Society’s program at HACC. The award recognizes individuals who promote, implement, lead and guide those involved in the cancer prevention initative.

“In her efforts to promote the CPS-3, Muñoz volunteered both days of the event at many of HACC’s five campuses and ensured that all campuses were prepared,” said Dee Mathis, Regional Vice President, East Central Division of the American Cancer Society in Lancaster.

“With the help of the collegewide strategic wellness committee, under her leadership, Muñoz was able to recruit staff and deliver the message of the study to community partners as well as students and faculty, resulting in 430 new enrollees in the program. Thanks to the great partnership with HACC and to Linda as our champion in this workplace, we were able to have an impact in current research right here in our local communities,” added Mathis.
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