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Honoring Pam Saylor, Marketing Extraordinaire and HACC Retiree

Pam Saylor, who proudly served HACC for more than 16 years, retired from the College on Aug. 12. Pam was an integrated marketing communications coordinator in the Office of College Advancement. 

The OCA team’s love for Pam will not be diminished by her retirement. Her contributions to our team, the College and the HACC Foundation have been invaluable and immeasurable. It would be an understatement to say we miss her. 

When we think about all of the activities that Pam will have an opportunity to enjoy during her retirement, our hearts are filled with joy. Pam is many things, including brilliant, courageous, funny, loyal, progressive, supportive and tenacious. As Tina Turner sang, “She’s simply the best.”

We asked Pam to tell us about her experiences at HACC:

What is your favorite OCA memory?
My favorite OCA memory is wrapped up in the team meetings in which we embraced each other’s uniqueness, dared to address inequities and racism, and learned together how to overcome biases. The comradery, laughter and shared mission of making the lives of our students better are cherished memories.

What is your favorite HACC memory?
I’ll always remember the enthusiastic cheers from the students and employees gathered in the lobby, stairwell and second floor overlook as Dr. Ski rode into the East Building at the Lancaster Campus during his first fundraising bike ride. I could feel the anticipation of the students as he announced the tuition giveaways and the subsequent joy of the recipients.

What is your favorite HACC Foundation memory?
My favorite HACC Foundation memory involves the entire OCA team: We did an impromptu Conga line throughout the suite to celebrate Linnie’s announcement of a five- or six-figure donation to benefit our students.

Another favorite HACC Foundation memory revolves around the $1.3 million gift that established the John E. Paxton and Gloria W. Paxton Fund for Excellence in STEAM. The OCA team marshaled resources to plan for a media event to announce the fabulous news and managed to keep it under wraps until the actual announcement on April 10, 2019. This gift continues to benefit HACC students.

What do you love most about HACC?
There are so many, many things I love about HACC that it is difficult to name just one. When I think about it, however, what do I love most? Commencement. The utter joy and sense of accomplishment shown by the graduating students and the enthusiastic responses of their families and friends add up to a rousing celebration of success. I love looking at the decorations on the mortarboards. I get goosebumps just thinking about the electric atmosphere and anticipation during a Commencement!

What will you miss most about HACC?
I will miss being part of the Integrated Marketing Communications sisterhood. In my many decades of employment, this is the first time that I have been part of a team that works so well together. Our differences complement one another to create amazing results. We work together to come to a consensus on how to resolve whatever crosses our paths with no in-fighting or back-biting. We genuinely celebrate each other’s successes. I’ll always remember the adrenaline rush when we drop whatever we’re doing at a moment’s notice to handle a crisis behind the scenes -- together. We seamlessly get into a groove to get the immediate task done. We are true IMC sisters and I shall miss working with them most of all. On a happier note, I anticipate that we will continue to share our connection outside of HACC.

What will you NOT miss about HACC?
The times that employees in other divisions requested expedited materials when they knew well in advance these materials would need to be developed. I am not referring to the truly quick turn-around requests over which there was no control.

If you could give our future students any advice, what would it be?
Focus on the end goal when the going gets tough. Make use of the free services designed to help you succeed. And, finally, communicate. Solutions can be found if you ask for help. HACC truly cares about YOU.

If you could give future employees any advice, what will it be?
HACC is a great organization to work for with generous benefits and opportunities to further your career. Each employee is valued for their contribution to the success of our students. A job, career or profession is what you make of it. At HACC, you’ll have the opportunity to learn and grow while helping students achieve their dreams. What more could you ask for?

Pamilla Saylor Retirement

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Pam Saylor34  

Colleagues who adore Pam shared these special messages:


Special Messages to Pam

Name of Colleague



Pam, I will never forget you or your dedication to HACC! I always admired how you could be available at all hours of the day or night! In all my years, I’ll never be able to hang like you can! LOL!! You are amazing and an inspiration! 

Theresa Richwine


Pam, I’ve always admired your enthusiasm and can-do spirit, especially when the going was tough. Also, I appreciate how welcome you made me feel when I returned again and again to HACC. What a supportive colleague you’ve been all these years! Hope you enjoy some well-deserved Pam time. 

Linda Whipple


Pam, It has been a joy to work with you since you hired me 11 years ago! All the best for a well-deserved, happy retirement!

Hannah Book


Pam, when admissions moved over to the OCA Division, you were so welcoming and helpful. I wish you the best retirement, and please always keep in touch with your HACC family! You are an amazing person. 

Stepheni Anderson 


Pam, this is an impossible task! LOL! There is no way that I can sum up all of my admiration into one paragraph. I need an entire book (and MUCH longer than a minute - ha ha) to communicate my heart. You have been one of my closest colleagues and friends! You are SO strong, smart and talented. You are also so loving, trustworthy, encouraging, supportive, thoughtful and kind. You and I have been inseparable for years. I’m even proudly known as your “apple,” because I do not fall far from the “tree.” I have been and will ALWAYS be so proud of you and your career. You’re incredible, Pam! Mostly, I’m proud of the woman and friend you are. Although we will not be working together each day like we have been for the past 11 years, I will forever be your apple and best friend. You’ve changed my life “for good.” I’ll see you soon, tree!

Jenn Boyd


Pam, you have been such a trusted partner for me since I started as the college CFO.  On many occasions, you guided me, encouraged me and led me in the direction I needed to complete my tasks. You did this with grace, patience and a smile.  Please enjoy your post HACC years. HACC will miss you.  I will miss you. Thank you for making a difference.   

Tim Sandoe


Pam, it was always pleasant to work with you. I wish you only the best in your future journey. Remember, retirement is an opportunity to do all those things normal work prevented. Do something special for yourself each day, visit with friends and family, volunteer where possible and smell the roses often. I hope our paths cross in Central Pennsylvania.

Al Griswold


Ms. Pam, I have enjoyed getting to know you over the last two and a half years. You demonstrated patience and kindness while navigating what I will call “interesting” situations. LOL. Blessings to you on your retirement journey.

Chrissy Davis Jones


Dearest Pam! From the moment you drove me to one of our campuses during my interview process in Dec. 2010, I knew that I would worship the ground you walked on, and I have ever since. From your initial role to being the interim executive director of the unit, you have been a loyal and faithful colleague who got us through a few ‘interesting’ situations. In addition to being my valued and trusted counsel, you helped to prepare the department for Linnie’s arrival. In addition to your support, your kindnesses to me over the years will also be cherished. Please know that your efforts have changed lives, destinies and family trees, including mine. I will forever hold you close to my heart and eagerly look forward to embracing you when we have the good fortune of seeing each other again. Please feel an eternally warm and tight hug of profound magnitude. 



Pam, it has been a pleasure to work with you over the past ten years! Where does the time go? I wish you all the best in your retirement. OCA won’t be the same without you. Congratulations! 



Pam, it has been an absolute pleasure working with you during my tenure at the College. You are such a kind person with the biggest heart and I will miss you dearly. I wish you all the best in your retirement! Don’t be a stranger - you have my bat phone, please keep in touch! *Hugs*

Kristin Graeser 


Pam - I will always remember with fondness and a grin the first few weeks that we spent together when I first started in OCA. You taught me the ropes of project management and all things HACC. You were quirky, funny, generous with your knowledge and brutally honest. I quickly learned that you were a real spitfire. I have learned so much from you that applies to my professional life and outside the office. I know this next chapter of your life may feel daunting, but you will find your groove. I’m always here for you, buddy. Thank you for everything.  

Amanda Wilkins 


Pam, I have enjoyed working with you. I started my journey at HACC three weeks before the US shut down for COVID.  I had little time to acclimate to the HACC way and had less time to understand the challenges of the role.  Nevertheless, I dove in and wrote a couple of articles for the Newsroom.  You were my editor, or should I say, you were my salvation.  While you worked your magic, you did not dilute my voice or message.  Your edits  were executed with surgical precision and kindness.  You made me feel like my projects were the most important thing to you and you handled me with care.  I felt and still feel valued, honored and better because of you.  Thank you for being you.



Pam, you are a true rock star, shining bright for everyone. I really appreciate all the help and support you have given me over the years. Who am I going to have help me with articles and AP style now? I wish you nothing but the best. Please don’t be a stranger. :)

Beth McLucas

Please join us in congratulating Pam on her well-deserved retirement! #HACCyeah


Linnie S. Carter, Ph.D., APR
Vice President of College Advancement, HACC, Central Pennsylvania’s Community College
Executive Director, HACC Foundation


Eli visits OCA 2


Golf Outing
Golf Outing 2



With Dr. Ski

