Sept. 8, 2004
"There's still time to register for fall ESL (English as a Second Language) classes at HACC-Gettysburg," said HACC counselor Lisette Ruiz Newhard. The ESL courses - scheduled to begin October 18 and meet from 9am to 11:50am - are designed to help students develop the listening, speaking, reading and writing skills necessary to prepare for college level academic work.

"Financial assistance is available," said Newhard, "and students should contact us now for placement, registration and financial aid information."

Interested students will need to take an ESL placement test at HACC to determine which level is appropriate to their English language abilities. Students can also make an appointment with a financial aid advisor to discuss ways of paying for a college education. Although each six-credit ESL course will cost $990 ($165 per credit hour), financial aid/tuition assistance is available for many students. Students will also pay $35 for a HACC application and student identification card.

The Lincoln Intermediate Migrant Education Program, the Center for Human Services, the Adams County Literacy Council, Generacion Diez, and Saint Francis Xavier Church are among the area agencies who recognize the need for college-level ESL classes in Adams County and who are assisting HACC in providing information and encouragement to prospective students in the Latino community.

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