May 14, 2005
HACC holds graduation at Farm Show Complex

HACC held it's graduation off campus for the first time this year. The growth of the college forced a search for a larger area to hold the ceremony which gathers all four of the college's campuses. Graduates and their families from Harrisburg, Lancaster, Gettysburg and Lebanon all gathered in the Equine Arena at the Farm Show Complex in Harrisburg for the ceremony on Saturday. (photo at right)

Students from Lebanon Campus

From the Lebanon Campus of HACC celebrate after HACC's commencement ceremony. At left is Claire Taylor, of Lititz, who earned her diploma in senior health care, and Deborah Douglas of Lebanon, who graduated with an associate's degree in health services, another associate's degree in social services and also a diploma in senior health care. (photo at right)

Gettysburg Campus

Faculty, students, friends and family celebrated at a reception after HACC's commencement ceremony on Saturday. From the Gettysburg Campus are, from left to right, Shannon Harvey, associate dean of academic affairs, graduate Cynthia L. Rushton, of Gettysburg, who received her degree in business management with a concentration in accounting, and at right is her husband, Reverend Alexander Rushton. Ms. Rushton plans to pursue a master's degree and become a CPA. (photo at right)

Lancaster Campus

From left to right are Karen Ramsay, assistant professor of nursing at the Lancaster Campus, Julie Stauffer and Rosalyn Grieder, both from Elizabethtown and both nursing graduates, and Dr. Rhonda Maneval, assistant director of nursing at the Lancaster Campus.(photo at right)

Grads congregate before commencement

From left to right are Stephanie Murray of Enola who received a degree in business management, Deanna Morrison, also of Enola, who earned an associate's degree and plans to transfer to Penn State, and Phalguni Dedhiya of Camp Hill, who graduated with a degree in graphic design. (photo at right)

Commencement Speaker: Pennsylvania Senator Jeff Piccoloa

Sen. Piccola remindded the Class of 2005 to get involved - in their neighborhoods and in the towns where they live. Nearly 1,100 students graduated. (photo at right)

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