Aug. 28, 2006
Once upon on a time it was general knowledge that Baby Boomers had amassed trillions and trillions of dollars through inheritance. In reality that isn't necessarily the case. Studies show only 15% of the boomer generation, those born between 1946 and 1964, may expect to receive any kind of inheritance. And, with their active lifestyles, living longer and healthier lives, better financial planning may become a necessity since the inheritance may not be there to fall back on. To help Boomers prepare for their financial future as well as maintain and enjoy good health in the years ahead, the Lancaster Campus of HACC, Central Pennsylvania's Community College, is offering a full day of education and enrichment focused on the health, wealth and self of the Baby Boomer generation.

The "Baby Boomer Survival Day Camp" is scheduled for Saturday, September 23 from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. on the campus at 1641 Old Philadelphia Pike. The camp includes four one-hour seminars, continental breakfast, luncheon and wine and cheese happy hour.

"As Baby Boomers approach retirement age, it is important that they know what to expect in the years ahead and how to plan appropriately so they can have the kind of retirement they have always dreamed about," explained Lori Smith-Mitchell, community education coordinator. "We've put together a program that not only will help them with this task, but also bring them together with their peers who are facing similar life transitions."

One-hour seminars, like "Living the Life you Want," "Confronting Health Conditions," "Love the Skin You're In," and "Financial Survival At My Age," are just a few examples of the topics offered throughout the day to help Baby Boomers take a break from the never ending cycle of life, inform them of their options and invigorate their total well being.

The topics of health, wealth and self are especially pertinent to Baby Boomers, according to Smith-Mitchell.

"Many members of this generation may not have the family inheritance to fall back on that their parents enjoyed," she said. "With our increased life expectancy and the rising cost of healthcare, much of that money will be spent by the current older generation making a significant inheritance less likely. Having some kind of financial plan is a smart move."

In addition to preparing for their financial needs, a Boomer's longer life expectancy means knowledge of proper nutrition and diet are equally important.

"The Boomer's busy lifestyle, which often includes caring for children as well as aging parents, means that many people of this generation don't have the time to focus on personal care," said Mitchell. "Our Survival Camp offers the necessary tools to focus on their own health and nutrition and restore their sense of well-being."

The cost for the Baby Boomer Survival Day Camp is $65 for the full day. For more information or to request a registration form, call 717-358-2901, send an email to Lori Smith-Mitchell at the contact email listed below, or visit the website below.

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