Oct. 10, 2006
Photographic composition, fencing, Egyptian mythology and Louisa May Alcott are just a sampling of topics among the many noncredit community education classes offered this fall at the Lebanon Campus of HACC, Central Pennsylvania's Community College.

Compositionally Speaking will be offered on Saturday, Nov. 11, noon to 5 p.m., at Howard Studios, Lebanon, by Robert A. Howard, PPA Certified, M. Photog. CR. Cost is $65. Class is limited to 10 students.

This course will focus on understanding the dynamics of "composition" in photography. Through visual presentations, students will explore the fundamental theories of composition in art and photography.

This class is a must for the beginner and expert alike. The theories presented in this class will dramatically improve the quality and impact of each student's photographic style.

Fencing I will be offered on six Tuesdays, Nov. 14-Dec. 19, 6 to 7:30 p.m. Cost is $125 and includes a book.

Fencing is an anaerobic/aerobic sport backed by 400 years of history and the theme of countless Hollywood spectaculars. The development and refinement of speed, reaction and eye/hand coordination are all part of the experience.

All ages and both genders are welcome to attend. Class is limited to 12 students.

Egyptian Mythology will be offered Saturday, Nov. 4, 12:30 to 2:30 p.m., at the Lantern Lodge in Myerstown. Cost is $40.

Popular instructor Judith Pellegrino will explore the fascinating history of Ancient Egyptian mythology including Isis; Bastet, the cat goddess; and Tauret, the pregnancy hippo goddess who protect women during childbirth.

Louisa May Alcott: From Fiction to Fact will be the topic of class on Saturday, Nov. 18, 12:30 to 2:30 p.m., at the Lantern Lodge in Myerstown.

In this session, class will explore the solution of a real-life literary mystery: the discovery of Louisa May Alcott's secretly written stories. Through a look at the life and writing of America's "Children's Friend," we'll investigate the story Alcott herself lived - one filled with long-kept secrets and skillfully left clues.

These are just a few of the many community education opportunities offered through the Lebanon Campus of HACC located at 735 Cumberland Street in Lebanon.

Registration and information is available by accessing HACC's autumn issue of "Opportunities to Enrich your Personal & Professional Life," a schedule of noncredit classes at the Website below.

Information and a copy of the schedule also may be obtained by calling the Lebanon Campus of HACC at 270-6309.

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