Classes in solar photovoltaic systems, energy auditing start in November
Oct. 21, 2009
Harrisburg, PA – Get a firm footing in today’s emerging “green technology” with certificate programs in solar photovoltaic systems and building analyst training (energy auditing) offered in November at 1500 N. Third St., the Midtown site of HACC, Central Pennsylvania’s Community College.
HACC’s Workforce and Economic Development division is offering the noncredit courses designed to train the professional in the latest developments in “green technology” – a field that encompasses a continuous evolving group of methods and materials, from techniques for generating energy to nontoxic cleaning products.
Learn the fundamentals of photovoltaic (PV) system design and installation from instructor Mike Barnes in a 60-hour workshop designed for those interested in the expanding PV industry. “Solar PV electric systems” will be offered 7:30-11:30 a.m. Tuesdays and Thursdays, Nov. 17-Jan. 19 (no class on Nov. 26, Dec. 24 and week of Dec. 28). Cost of the course is $971 and includes textbook and materials.
This course is designed for builders, electricians, architects, code officials, construction- and energy-related business owners, teachers, attorneys and elected officials. Students will gain a technical foundation in stand-alone and grid-tied code-compliant solar systems in HACC’s state-of-the-art workshop. Topics include:
  • PV markets and applications
  • Electricity and safety basics
  • PV module fundamentals
  • Hands-on solar workshop
  • PV system components and sizing
  • PV mechanical and electrical design
  • Performance analysis and troubleshooting
  • Conservation and efficiency practices.
“Building analyst training (energy auditing)” is a five-day course designed for the person who has a basic understanding of heating and cooling systems and construction. It will be offered from 8 a.m.-5 p.m. Nov. 9-13. The course also will be offered from 8 a.m.-5 p.m. Dec. 7-11. Cost of the course is $1,304, which includes “Residential Energy: Cost Savings and Comfort for Existing Buildings” and “Saturn Energy Auditor Field Guide.”  Both books were written by John Krigger, an expert in residential and light commercial energy conservation, and Chris Dorsi, an expert home inspector and energy analyst.
The key to energy-efficient building performance is to understand the integrated systems in a building that move energy, moisture and air. This course includes classroom presentations, field exercises and self-study to gain skills needed to conduct diagnostic energy audits on existing housing stock. Both theory and practice emphasize practical problem-solving in preparation for Building Analyst (BA1) certification through the Building Performance Institute (BPI).
For an additional charge, students may register to take BPI’s written Building Analyst exam and proctored field test after completing the course.
Both courses will be held at HACC’s Midtown site, Third and Reily streets, Harrisburg.
For more information, contact Cheryl Deitz, coordinator of workforce and economic development at HACC, at 221-1338.
To register contact non-credit registration at 717-780-2414 or 717-780-2616.
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