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Jan. 9, 2004
HACC will debut new culinary TV show on local cable
Jan. 28, 2004
Rose Lehrman Arts Center presents Mermaid Theatre of Nova Scotia's Very Eric Carle
HACC kicks off Black History Month with gospel concert
Gettysburg Campus offers ESL classes; help for prospective college students
Hopping, slithering, jiggling, undulating, waddling, rolling, Imago Theatre's Frogz invades the Rose Lehrman Arts Center
HACC Nursing Students Celebrate With Striping Ceremony
Black History Month Events at Harrisburg Area Community College
Gettysburg Campus of HACC will teach 20 Principles of Successful Selling
Spring enrollment maintains record pace
Gettysburg Campus offers home repair course for women
Dayton Contemporary Dance Company soars at the Rose Lehrman Arts Center with The Flight Project
Jan. 30, 2004
HACC dental hygiene students and professional dental hygienists bring Sealant Saturday for children
Feb. 11, 2004
Edna V. Baehre, Ph.D.President, Harrisburg Area Community College
HACC will host 2nd Annual Fraternity/Sorority Stepshow and Dance
Career Day is February 17 at the Wildwood Campus9am - 3:30pm
PA Secretary of Health Calvin B. Johnson, M.D. visits HACC for Black History Month Event
Overview of Harrisburg Area Community College
Feb. 27, 2004
Successful Interviewing Classes at Gettysburg Campus
March 3, 2004
Lancaster Campus of HACC will offer Understandingthe Adult Learner workshop
HACC Announces Fall 2004 Dean's List
HACC Weekend College Classes Start March 13Three degree programs can be completed almost entirely on weekends
March 4, 2004
Lancaster Campus of HACC offers classes in essential oils and massage
Lancaster Campus of HACC offers free Emotional Health & Wellness Series
Lancaster Campus of HACC offers classes on how to write a book
HACC announces lunchtime honors lectures
Lancaster Campus of HACC offers photography classes
Lancaster Campus of HACC offers two new classes for history buffs
Lancaster Campus of HACC offers language classes
Lancaster Campus of HACC offers piano, dancing and drawing classes
Lancaster Campus of HACC offers classes in debt management and spending smart
Gettysburg Campus of HACC will offer Healthy Heart Ballet, Part 1
Gettysburg Campus of HACC will Cruise the Mediterranean
Lancaster Campus of HACC offers culinary arts classesSushi, cake decorating, chocolate molding and more
HACC to Hold Admissions Information Sessions for York Residents
Lily Cai Chinese Dance Company to perform at the Rose Lehrman Arts Center, HACC
President Bush Praises the work of community colleges;Dr. Edna Baehre, president of Harrisburg Area Community College, joinsthe President on panel
Gettysburg-HACC sponsors Women's History Month Exhibit
Lancaster Campus of HACC will offer classes in CPR, Medical Terminology
Lancaster Campus of HACC offers new option in Allied Health classes
Lancaster Campus of HACC offers new class -Bed & Breakfast for Fun & Profit
Lancaster Campus of HACC will offer new food classes in February
Lancaster Campus of HACC will offer ServSafe Sanitation ProgramCourse meets Food Employee Certification required by PA Department of Agriculture
March 18, 2004
Lancaster Campus of HACC offers new class to rid bad habits, problems
Gettysburg Campus of HACC will offer Windows XP Intro computer class
Gettysburg Campus of HACC will offer basic computer training
HACC receives $500 thousand gift for new childcare center
Lebanon Campus of HACC will host 9th AnnualPA German Heritage Festival
Lancaster Campus of HACC will offer financial aid workshops
Gettysburg Campus of HACC will offer computer classes in Word
San Jose Taiko, fusing traditional Japanese art form with world rhythms, will appear at the Rose Lehrman Arts Center
Lancaster Campus of HACC will offer creative arts classes
Trash or treasure?Lancaster Campus of HACC offers class in valuing art & antiques
HACC offers Health Careers Exploration & Job Fair
March 19, 2004
Fact Sheet: Grace Milliman Pollock Childcare/Early Childhood Education Center
March 24, 2004
Jump Start Your Job Search Provides Advice for Job Seekers
HACC will host free Engineering & Technology Career Event
Wildwood Writers' Festival at HACC
March 25, 2004
Shannon Harvey appointed associate dean at HACC's Gettysburg Campus
Gettysburg Campus of HACC will offer PowerPoint computer class
April 1, 2004
Gettysburg Campus offers Excel and Access computer classes
Architecture classes at Gettysburg Campus
Cowboy Cuisine is a chuck wagon adventure at Gettysburg Campus
Gettysburg Campus will offer classes on region's minerals
Student Honors Exhibit At TheRose Lehrman Arts Center Gallery
April 8, 2004
Gettysburg Campus offers Civil War tours and courses
Gettysburg Campus offers Civil War courses
Gettysburg Campus will offer Auto Repairs for Ms. Fix-It class
Gettysburg Campus will offer Digital Photography class
Gettysburg Campus will offer Labyrinth for the Garden class
Gettysburg Campus will offer class on Soldiers National Cemetery
HACC will host Speakers Marketplace
April 12, 2004
Job Fair at Lancaster Campus
Lancaster Campus trains medical coders in popular program
Women on the Move will help drive entrepreneurial success
Lancaster Campus offers Nursing Refresher Course; Win-win for inactive nurses and local healthcare facilities
April 15, 2004
Gettysburg Campus hosts High School Seniors
Wildwood Chorale presents Women's Work: a Feminine Perspective on Life and Music
Gettysburg Campus offers Beginning Golf Class
April 19, 2004
Next Discussion in Honors Lecture Series: "The Real President: Successful Dysfunctionality"
April 20, 2004
Theatre for Young People Presents The Ice Wolf at the Rose Lehrman Arts Center
April 28, 2004
Gettysburg Campus Schedules Nursing Information Session
Gettysburg Campus will offer Adult Living & Learning Seminars
April 29, 2004
Gettysburg Campus celebrates Earth Day early with cleanup project
HACC receives $1/2 million gift from Leader for new Nursing Education Center
Area Residents Invited to Health Fair at Lancaster Campus
Sports and dance collide as PUCCI: SPORT pumps up the actionat the Rose Lehrman Arts Center
May 3, 2004
Gettysburg-HACC sponsors Seven Lively Artists
Fashion and Design students design reading area for local school
HACC dean selected for administrative post
May 4, 2004
News Advisory: Cinco de Mayo Celebration at Wildwood Campus
May 5, 2004
HACC Sponsors 2004 Mathematics Contest for Local High Schools
Committee invites nominations for HACC Trustee Board
May 7, 2004
HACC will host wellness conference
HACC Nursing Students Make Connections Over Ice Cream
Environmental Club at Gettysburg Adopt a Highway a-Highway
News Advisory:Final exam for HACC culinary students:A mystery that turns into four-course meal
May 13, 2004
Pennsylvania Governor Ed Rendell is HACC's Commencement Speaker May 15
May 14, 2004
HACC's Wildwood Campus offers summer camps for all ages - including adults
Gettysburg Campus Celebrates Student Accomplishments
HACC hosts national consortium
May 15, 2004
Pennsylvania Governor Ed Rendell offers advice to HACC grads at Commencement
May 18, 2004
Leader Nursing Education CenterFact Sheet
Select Medical Health Education PavilionFact Sheet
June 3, 2004
HACC breaks ground on $12 million Select Medical Health Education Pavilion
Lancaster Campus offers productive meetings class
Gettysburg Campus offers class on Photo Pages in Word, others
Gettysburg Campus offers class on reducing workplace stress
Gettysburg Campus offers class on Civil War generals
Gettysburg Campus offers Songs & Stories of the Civil War class
Gettysburg Campus to offer class on safe hiring, managing & firing
Lancaster Campus offers wine and bartending classes
Leaders in food service industry receive HACC Foundation benefactor award
Associate dean at Lancaster Campus promoted
Lancaster Campus offers culinary classes
June 15, 2004
HACC Lancaster Campus to offer Lean Manufacturing Workshop
Gettysburg Campus Students Achieve Phi Theta Kappa Membership
HACC Staff Members at Gettysburg Campus Receive College Awards
HACC Public Safety program adds fire engine to its training fleet
Lancaster Campus students complete American Management Association Business Certificates
Dean of Student Affairs retires
HACC staffers chosen for National Institute for Leadership Development
June 21, 2004
GAPA Awards Scholarship to Tech Prep Student
June 22, 2004
Gettysburg Campus offers class on Civil War research
Gettysburg Campus session: Battle of Gettysburg through the eyes of local photographers
Women on the Move take expertise on the road with business advice
Mary Anne Van Arsdale joins HACC as Director of Institute for Entrepreneurial Studies
NIKE Freestyle Performers Return to HACC for Second Ultimate Spin Basketball Camp
July 14, 2004
HACC offers specialty theater, playmaking & performance camps
Faculty Exhibit Work at HACC'S Rose Lehrman Arts Center Gallery
Gettysburg HACC Sponsors Student, Staff, Faculty Art Exhibit
July 15, 2004
Headed for The University of Edinburgh,Student Credits Lancaster Campus with Making it Possible
Lancaster Campus will offer language class in July
Camp Ophelia at HACC to Offer Adolescent Girls Positive Ways to Resolve Conflict
Lancaster Campus Will Offer Class in PDA Use
Lancaster Campus of HACC Will Offer Advanced Computer Classes
Lancaster Campus of HACC will offer Web page, Web authoring class
Gettysburg Campus of HACC Offers Conversational Spanish, Tennis for Life
Lancaster Campus of HACC Will Offer Stained Glass, Stepping Stone Classes
Gettysburg Campus to Offer Introductory Computer Classes
Rose Lehrman Arts Center at HACC celebrates30th anniversary season 2004-2005
Lancaster Campus of HACC will offer Genealogy class
Lancaster Campus of HACC will offer Allied Health Classes
Lancaster Campus of HACC will offer class in Web animation
Gettysburg Campus of HACC Will Offer Hudson River Painters Class
July 27, 2004
Joel Bacon Joins HACC as Coordinator of Medical Assisting
Aug. 2, 2004
HACC Dean's List Spring 2004 semester
Aug. 3, 2004
HACC Gets Life-Like Patient Simulator for Students with $51,759 Gift from Carlisle Area Health and Wellness Foundation
Aug. 5, 2004
Gettysburg Campus will offer Gettysburg Campaign classes taught by licensed battlefield guides
Aug. 10, 2004
Gettysburg-HACC plans new student orientation
HACC Foundation's Executive Director earns internationally recognized accrediation
Aug. 12, 2004
HACC Foundation Names Award Recipents
October events at the Rose Lehrman Arts Center
Aug. 20, 2004
Fourteen Students Earn Degree from HACC's Dealership Technician Program
Law Enforcements and First Responsders Learn the Uses of GIS Technology During Conference at HACC
Aug. 23, 2004
York Center of HACC Welcomes Record Number of Students; HACC has Record Enrollment Again
Lebanon Campus of HACC starts fall sememster; record enrollment for college
Lancaster Campus of HACC Welcomes and Another Enrollment Record
Gettysburg Campus of HACC expected to experience record enrollment
HACC Welcomes Fall Students and Another Enrollment Record
Aug. 27, 2004
Cheryl Batdorf Joins HACC's Lebanon Campus as Associate Dean of Academic Affairs
Gettysburg Campus sponsors Hispanic art exhibit
Aug. 30, 2004
In Our Own Backyard Gallery Exhibit at Rose Lehrman Arts Center of HACC
Sept. 1, 2004
HACC International Awareness Club to host free introduction to Buddhism lecture
Sept. 2, 2004
HACC Kwanzaa Festival is December 4
Sept. 3, 2004
Turning white elephants; into cash cows; HACC and PA Historical and Museum Commission co-sponsor International Existing Building Code Seminars in Partnership with AIA Pennsylvania
Lancaster Campus of HACC to host free Open House
Rapidly growing insurance industry partners with HACC's Lancaster Campus to train
Sept. 7, 2004
HACC students to display talents during Harrisburg Gallery Walk
November events at the Rose Lehrman Arts Center, HACC
Sept. 8, 2004
Aquila Theater Company to open 30th anniversary at Rose Lehrman Arts Center with Shakespeare's comedy, Twelfth Night
Financial assistance available for ESL classes
HACC-Gettysburg Breaks Ground With New Parking Lot
Sept. 10, 2004
HACC begins 40th anniversary year
Sept. 13, 2004
HACC International Unity Festival
Sept. 15, 2004
October Events at the Rose Lehrman Arts Center HACC
Sept. 16, 2004
Fiery Flamenco Vivo Carlota Santana Dance Troupe to perform Friday, October 22 at the Rose Lehrman Arts Center
Sept. 17, 2004
Gettysburg Campus of HACC offers conference to help nurses meet health care's changing demands
HACC to host International Unity Festival
HACC offers Adult Living & Learning Seminars in October
HACC faculty selected for excellence in teaching awards at 40th anniversary
HACC's new online job posting service benefits students, alumni and employers
Sept. 22, 2004
HACC to host free events in celebration of Hispanic Heritage Month
Local Legislators to lead discussion on political process at HACC
HACC counselors among first in nation to earn distance counseling certification
Sept. 27, 2004
HACC Dean to speak at national conference on workforce education
Sept. 28, 2004
HACC students receive Teamster Scholarship
HACC's Institute for Entrepreneurial Studies offers class on state resources
HACC offers free support to business start-ups with First Monday
HACC's Women's Marketplace offers free marketing services
HACC students receive Perry County scholarships
Oct. 5, 2004
Lebanon Campus students set to surprise inpoodle skirts and roller skates
Oct. 6, 2004
HACC gains funding for Learning Support Services; Marguerite MacDonald to Chair Act 101 Directors' Association
Student essays due October 15 for One Book/One Community
Lancaster Campus of HACC hosts National Boss' Day Celebration
HACC Institute for Entrepreneurial Studies offers session on the wedding business
HACC - Gettysburg Celebrates Hispanic Heritage
HACC study tour invites students and community to discover Paris and London
HACC's Institute for Entrepreneurial Studies offers new insurance class for business owners
Oct. 14, 2004
HACC Gallery hosts lectures in November for current exhibit, in Our Own Backyard
Art exhibit reception set at Lebanon Campus of HACC
Oct. 15, 2004
HACC instructors plan events to raise political awareness in students
HACC Dental Hygiene staff and students bring free dental services for children Oct 23
Oct. 18, 2004
HACC to host specialized colleges; events open to public
Oct. 21, 2004
HACC to offer Agribusiness in January;Informational meeting for new program at HACC set for November 9
Oct. 22, 2004
HACC TheaterWorks to present touching comedy, The Boys Next Door, November 5
Oct. 26, 2004
No monkeying around! 50 area kids featured in Missoula Children's Theatre production of The Jungle Book
Oct. 27, 2004
December events at the Rose Lehrman Arts Center
Exhibit set for Lancaster artist at Lebanon Campus of HACC
Oct. 28, 2004
Lancaster Campus offers one-session culinary classes
Lancaster Campus offers Chinese Tea classes
Lancaster Campus offers holiday culinary classes
Nov. 2, 2004
Gettysburg Campus offers one-session class on digital photography
Lancaster Campus offers community education classes
Learn Microsoft's Access in three sessions at Gettysburg Campus
Institute for Entrepreneurial Studies offers late fall continuing education classes
Fall allied health noncredit classes at Lancaster Campus
Nov. 3, 2004
Noncredit AutoCAD computer courses at Lancaster Campus
Lancaster Campus Continuing Education offers law class for the layman
Noncredit computer classes at Lancaster Campus
Nov. 4, 2004
Dustin Genard exhibit at Gettysburg Campus
Nov. 5, 2004
HACC breaks ground for childcare & early childhood education center
Nov. 8, 2004
Exhibit:Colleagues: Recent Prints by John Lysak and Franz Spohn at the Rose Lehrman Arts Center
Lancaster Campus nursing faculty win community leadership awardEfforts lead to HACC Nursing Care Center
Culinary demonstrations offered at HACC
Sunday afternoon classes explore angels, dreams, fairies, more
Many topics covered in community education classes
HACC adds to holiday festivities with themed classes, trip
Spoken Hand Percussion Orchestra visits the Rose Lehrman Arts Center with a rhythmic and riveting mosaic of international hand drumming
Nov. 10, 2004
Gettysburg Campus offers class in Songs & Stories of Christmas
Arts Fest at Lancaster Campus
Nov. 11, 2004
Retired U.S. Army colonel speaks at HACC's Veteran's Day Ceremony
Shippensburg University and HACC sign agreement,brings upper division undergrad and grad courses from Shippensburg to HACC
Nov. 16, 2004
Coach Pat Gahr leads HACC's state championship basketball team in home opener
Nov. 17, 2004
January Events at the Rose Lehrman Arts Center - HACC
Nov. 18, 2004
HACC hires health care teaching staff for Lancaster CampusInstructors join Math, Science, and Allied Health Division
HACC hires faculty for Lancaster CampusInstructors join Communication, Arts and Social Sciences Division
New appointments at HACC's Lancaster Campus
Nov. 19, 2004
Cadets at HACC Police Academy Graduate
Honor students from HACC - Gettysburg Campus inducted into PTK
Local poet performs Voices of Mother Earth at Rose Lehrman Arts Center of HACC
HACC will host Kwanzaa Festival, honor community members
Nov. 24, 2004
HACC nursing students score high on national licensing exam
Lebanon Campus of HACC showcases art of the region
Dec. 2, 2004
23 HACC students graduate from paramedic program
Dec. 7, 2004
HACC to Lead Holiday Tour in Washington
Dec. 8, 2004
HACC Chapter of International Honor Society Inducts New Members
Dec. 10, 2004
HACC Foundation receives more than $5.2 million in charitable contributions - more than any year in the college's 40-year history
Gift shop at State Museum to reopen with high-end crafts produced by HACC students
Dec. 16, 2004
HACC and Pinnacle Health Combine EffortsStudents Complete Diagnostic Medical Sonography Program
First graduating class for nurses at Gettysburg Campus
Dec. 17, 2004
35 complete Practical Nurse program at HACC's Harrisburg Campus
Inaugural Practical Nursing Class at HACC's Lancaster Campus Graduates
America's favorite family performers Tom Chapin and Red Grammer pair up to deliver a double-barreled family fun show, "Hello World!"
Dec. 21, 2004
New, reappointed trustees at HACC
HACC Selects Peter Wambach as Speaker for First Winter Commencement
Dec. 22, 2004
HACC will offer free Computer Open House
Lebanon Campus of HACC will offer free Computer Open House
Gettysburg Campus of HACC offers free medical billing info session
Dec. 23, 2004
Former auto mechanic now law clerk with Lebanon County judge
Lebanon Campus to Offer Archaeological Field School at Historic Site